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My Case Studies

Strategy & Concept Proposal

On the subject of mental health in the workplace


I was tasked to create a proposal as part of a previous job application, which would create concepts that could be presented to a client.


I interviewed three people who had mental health challenges, compiled insights and grouped them into themes. From these themes I created two potential concepts and presented back to the team. I also bolstered the default presentation layout with some design elements of my own.


A presentation that looks professional and was received really well. It was a hugely interesting exercise for me to undertake and I believe the two concepts presented could really benefit people with mental health challenge in their work place.

Box Subscription Market

How to market the launch of a supplement box subscription service.

Create a pitch presentation to launch a multichannel campaign for a multinational health company. 

I researched the market of box subscriptions and created a presentation to lay out my knowledge of the area and the approach I'd recommend.

A comprehensive presentation that covers not only the importance of the initial launch but the importance of proactively thinking about the next phase, retention.


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